BID Info

BID Documents

AGM 2023

Executive Committee Members:

Chandani Magan (Chairperson)   Chiropractic Journey
Gigesh Pala (Treasurer)  Bay Tax and Accounting
Shirley Browne  Shirleys
Olwyn Andrews Floriculture
Trevor Andrews Sent
Matt Borsos BOBO
Avinesh Prasad Barfoot and Thompson
Prateek Malholtra  Loan Market


Executive Committee Meetings

The Blockhouse Bay Business Association Executive Committee meet at 8.30am on the last Friday of every month to manage the Association and its actions. All members are welcome to attend these meetings and can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register interest.


Membership of The Blockhouse Bay Business Association

You are automatically an eligible member (also known as a BID affiliate) if you business is located in a commercial rated property or if you own a property in The Blockhouse Bay Business Association BID boundary area.

Only businesses located in the BID area are eligible members or BID affilates and will only have voting rights at the AGM if they have confimed their membership.


View BID map here


Applying for Membership

To gain full membership you need to contact the office and complete and return the associations membership registration form.


Registration form